In Mexico, one of the loveliest places to be is Ixtapa-Zihuatenejo due to its beaches. There are five main beaches in this area namely Playa La Ropa, Playa Las Gatas, Playa La Madera, Playa Municipal, and Playa El Palmar. Most of them are easily accessible via taxi and others by foot. Not only are they beautiful in Mexico but also in the whole world.

The Playa La Ropa is the main beach among the five. It is about a mile in length. The best thing about this beach is the mild waves, which make it a perfect place for both swimmers and non-swimmers. The waves are as high as three feet on a normal day.

Playa Las Gatas is the place to be for those interested in snorkelling. Being ideal for both beginners and experts, the beach has waves, which are attractive to many everyone visiting the beach. Surfers can be seen catching them as they curl around the bay entrance. Several restaurants offering seafood complete the fun around this beach.

The waves in the Playa La Madera can wet your feet as you walk along the walkway. They best suit bodysurfing to a fair distance before reaching the breaking waves.

In front of downtown Zihuatanejo is the Playa Municipal beach. Two places found here are El Muelle Municial where one can take a water taxi to Playa Las Gatas and El Museo Arqueologico where plenty is available about Local Pre-Columbian history to learn.

The Playa Contramar, which provide the best place to snorkel, differs from others by having polished rocks in place of sand. This beach is best place to have lunch while enjoying the scenic coral and rock formations underwater

The Playa El Palmar is the main beach in Mexico, which has high-rise hotels providing every pleasure one may ever desire. A semi private beach known as Playa Vista Hermosa stands in front of the famous Westin Hotel. It is accessible through the westlin. To sum up the fun is the Playa Varadero and Playa Coral. The Playa Coral is a white coral sand strand that fronts the rocky blue bay that is magnet for beach lovers and scuba divers while the Varadero has yellow white sand, trees offering cool shade and clear calm waters.